mountainous heathen!

holly girl




sina boy

robert reich

honey jaan



Afraid So

Today's poem

~ Saturday, December 17, 2005
and then there were two

have you ever heard of SnagIt? it's the greatest. in case you havent, it's this program that lets you take a "snapshot" of your screen at any point in time and lets you save it and stick it into any sort of word or excel document. it's a life saver, when you're sitting there trying to see how you can copy and paste a spectrogram into your paper. it's beautiful.

the pg&e man came yesterday to see why we hadn't had power since ten a.m. and we discovered that we had blown a fuse. since both me and betty had finals yesterday, we just sat, and didn't do anything about it until afterwards. electricity is a beautiful thing. i was mainly worried about the fridge and freezer, which are also of vital importance in life.

one more to go on tuesday, yessir, the final final block of the term. until then, i have to make my sickness go away and study. this is a sure sign that my body thinks it's done, and can go home. tuesday feels like a long way off when really, it's only a couple days away. days during finals are like dog days; a day is like seven days.

and,....alas, i still haven't been to intermezzo, my week-and-a-half old itch. but i think today's the day.

meanwhile, i'm going to steam out whatever is living in my throat right now.

~ Saturday, December 10, 2005
day in and day out

there's this trek mix at trader joe's that's called "nuts about chocolate and coconut." i swear by it now. it had bits of dark chocolate, cashews, almonds, and shavings of coconut. i recommend.

has it ever happened to you that you miss someone so much that you start taking on their habbits? yes, like that movie, psycho. i mean, the guy missed his mom so much, he had to become her. suffice it to say that he was the one who killed her, but still. i guess it doesn't work the same way i'm thinking about it. but for example, i missed home a lot last year, and started drinking tea after i went home for a weekend. after that, i'm down with the tea.

mahler is so depressing. no wonder betty looked horrified when i mentioned it as a choice at jenny's 22nd shindig. i mean, he's whimsical to preoccupy himself in the meanwhile, but in the end, he just wants to kill himself.

i went into ceramics yesterday to try to glaze lys' delicate bowl of delicacy, but i did a bad job, which i think may result in it going straight to the reject shelf (the saddest shelf only after the reject pile in sproul hall).

back i go to the eng and schwa.

~ Sunday, December 04, 2005
when days mesh into pine

i just went to, and the rolling update blog that says which blogs have been recently published said The Los Alamitos High School.... who knew we had a blog!? we being them, since god knows i do not identify those highrisers, and navyblue trims with any time period in my own life.

anyhow, what i meant to say is that these are the beginnings of another end of term. anna lin graduated yesterday, and i didn't attend. i didn't even know about it until the day of. these are the days of "you know what i really feel like right now? top dog!", when clearly we've gone all term without a single dog or bird, or birddog. even when it's sunny, it's depressing because the end is so near. and no, i'm never excited for the end of a term, no matter how crappy the classes, no matter how horrible my schedule. i'm surprised so many people (probably most people) embrace it so quickly and without reservation. i'm impressed. i wish i could do the same.

i finished earnest, and it was funny times.

jenny turned 22, and i must admit, i surprised her. i flatter myself, but it was no small feat, on account of two blinding characteristics of hers. one being that she's paranoid as is, so it's increasingly difficult to hide something from her, and two being that she takes it upon herself to plan everything under the sun, so the plan in mind must not only stand up for itself, it also has to fend off any other possible plan of hers, which is a bully of a plan by itself.

in short, i was stressed out. but it was over soon, and back we went to the old ball game.

i should make a cake to go with all this 80% cocoa icing we have left over. who makes icing that bitter? no one, that's who.

i feel like going down to la meditareaeaeaeaeanea and having hot dates with walnuts. with icecream. but instead, i'm going to shower, and drink tea. good day, sirs.

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