mountainous heathen!
holly girl jennyman cyrus boyk sina boy robert reich honey jaan Prufrock If Afraid So Today's poem |
~ Monday, May 07, 2007
curly, ...straight the playoffs are mighty addicting. especially for a girl who's itching to get addicted to something at a time when all she needs to do is focus and study. the least destructive thing to get addicted to is basketball if you think about it. everything else has dire health consequences, which is pretty counterproductive if you have to take tests every day and turn in papers left and right. rangineh's getting her hair straightened for good tomorrow. japanese style straightening. and though this may seem like small girlish potatoes to the reader, it keeps bugging me. as a fellow curly, it's like seeing one of ours join the other side. i tell her it offends me that she's straightening fellow curls (because all curls belong to all of us--i'm a curl commie), and she says all curls are not created equal. double helices are not the same as fuzz. i clearly resent that and we fight a silent war. but hair grows. and you can't straighten your geeeeeeenes. and then i say goodbye to my email address. i remember how sina was more excited than i was. his lil sis was coming up. and when i go into the first few emails i got, it sounds like so long ago, mainly because it was a long time ago, but also partially because it was a different world back then. i should theoretically disappear until saturday. but should is a strong word. and ought is even stronger. so we'll see. |